Friday, October 10, 2014


Over the next four and a half weeks we will be working with you, a small group of SUNY Nodal Network and Global Partner Network faculty and staff, to enhance our mutual understanding of the international collaborative partnering process.

In the past, most course collaborations developed between early adopter faculty who, on their own initiative, were able to locate a lecturer or professor in another country with whom they could build a co-taught module or course. However, these courses were usually one-off projects which did not lead to other, similar courses being developed at the universities where these pioneers were based. And when these faculty members moved on, or were unable to continue teaching their course, the initiative usually ended.

However, with growing interest in the format of Collaborative Online International Learning, more universities and international programs offices are taking an interest in supporting this approach as a way for their students to gain international understanding and intercultural sensitivity. So over the next weeks we will explore with you some aspects of reaching out to potential partners based at other universities and how to develop a fruitful, lasting partnership. While the actual course development we seek to support will usually be undertaken by teaching faculty, we will consider all stakeholders at the potential partner schools to also be part of the partnering process since the success of COIL initiatives truly depends on institutional teams.

We will not be focusing on actual collaborative course development here as that is the focus of the COIL Center's Academy for Course Development. This "course" is a precursor to that where we will be discussing and engaging the process that precedes actual course development. And we do expect your regular contribution and attendance. Also understand that the aim of this Partnering Orientation is not to find a partner, but rather to learn about the partnering process and partnering sustainability. See the Syllabus/Calendar on the right-hand menu for more information about the course.

In order to make sure we're all on board, please make a comment below letting us know you've been able to access the blog, as I've done below.

Mirjam Hauck for the SUNY COIL Center


Unknown said...

Hello all,
Natalia de Cuba Romero from Nassau Community College's Language Immersion Program, LINCC. Very pleased to be here. I had no trouble logging on to the blog with the link. I look forward to the course!
Best, Natalia

David Parfitt at Geneseo said...
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David Parfitt at Geneseo said...

Hello Everyone, David Parfitt here from SUNY Geneseo. I'm the director of the Teaching and Learning Center, and coordinator of the COIL Nodal Network on our campus.


Victoria Chai NCC said...

Greetings. This is Victoria Chai, the nodal network coordinator from NCC. I am looking forward to working and learning with you all.

Unknown said...

Hello, I am Judith Littlejohn from Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY. I am the Online Learning Coordinator and also teach History. Happy to meet all of you.

Nicole Simon said...

Hello all. Nicole Simon from Nassau Community College's Engineering/Physics/Technology Department. I look forward to working with everyone.

Kathleen McKenna said...

Greetings from SUNY Broome.

Unknown said...

Hello from Binghamton - SUNY Broome Community College.

Tina said...

Hi All. I am Tina Merrilees from Geneseo. Looking forward to learning with you all!

svenegas said...

Hello all,

Salvador Venegas, from Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) here. Looking forward to working with you all. Saludos!

Unknown said...

Hello from SUNY Broome! This is Jan McCauley.

Elaine Soffer said...

Hi, everyone. I'm Elaine Soffer from the LINCC program at Nassau Community College. I'm excited about the course and interacting with all of you.

Unknown said...

Hello,everyone. I'm Maryanne Kildare from Nassau Community College and teach ESL in the LINCC program. Looking forward to working with all of you.

Deborah Spiro said...

Hi All, I'm Deborah Spiro, hail from Nassau Community College as well, and oversee distance education.

Unknown said...

Hello all, Barrie Levine here from Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. I teach social work and look forward to working with you over the coming weeks.

Joe Ziolkowski said...

Hello Mirjam and participants. This is Joe Ziolkowski or "Joe Z." I am a working artist, photographing every day and teach photography and art classes at SUNY Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY. I am looking forward to working with all of you during the duration of this course.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Florence Dee Boodakian from Nassau Community College, Associate Professor of English, Coordinator of the Human Rights Project and Chair of the Academic Senate's International Education Committee. A pleasure to be here..

Unknown said...

Hello, I am Joan Buckley an Assistant Professor from Nassau Community Collge's department of nursing and this is the first time I have been involved in COIL and am looking forward to learning more about how it works.

COIL Admin said...

Great, slowly but surely everyone is arriving.

It is good to have you all on board for this PO.


Annetta Vitale said...

Hi I am Annetta Vitale I teach Environmental Science and Oceanography at Nassau Community College and looking forward to be part of this workshop.

Unknown said...

Hello All,

This is Claudia Beebe from SUNY Broome Binghamton New York

Unknown said...

Hello, I am Liz Frondigoun from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) in Scotland where I teach Criminology and Sociology. GCU joined COIL in the last academic year and I am one of GCU's co-ordinators. I have been involved in an on-line student collaboration project with colleagues elsewhere in the UK and Us since 2007/8. I'm looking forward to working with you all on this orientation programme and perhaps to forging some new student collaborations.

Unknown said...

Hi, Julie Thomson here, also from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) am a relatively new lecturer in Business Management but it has been a whirlwind year into the world of academia. I am involved in an exciting COIL project. I also had fun creating my profile and am in group 2. So hello to everyone and best wishes from Glasgow, Scotland.

Lisa Bullard said...

Hello! This is Lisa Bullard. I teach English courses at SUNY Ulster, and am looking forward to learning more about COIL!

Simone Hackett said...

Hi everyone!
My name is Simone Hackett. I am Irish but have been living and working in The Netherlands for the last 8 years. I work at the HU, University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. I am a lecturer and also coordinator for internationalisation at both the department of education and also the department of communication and journalism. We launched our first COIL course in September with New Paltz.
We are interested in partnering with more universities that interested in developing COIL courses.
looking forward to getting started with the programme here and learning more.

Anita Meldrum said...

Hi there - Anita Meldrum from GCU Glasgow Scotland herre

Charles Syms said...

Hi... Finally figured this out. Charles Syms from the University at Buffalo, School of Social Work. I am looking forward to this experience...

Unknown said...

This is Andrea Wade from SUNY Broome and I am happy to have resolved the technical issues and to log in!

sheila aird said...

Sheila Aird here. Look forward to the experience.