Group 6 Fall

Stage 1: Profiling
Task: Who are you, Where are you based and Why are you here?
Deadline: October 20, 2014, 11:59 pm EST
In today's digital world, the first impression people often have of us may come from one of many of our online profiles, e.g. on an institutional website, on LinkedIn, on Facebook, etc.The information you provide in these profiles may very well influence the impression a possible COIL partner may have of you at first glance. Therefore, we will begin our work together by asking you to take a thoughtful approach to completing a profile for this course.

We have created a Google Document for you to complete this task. The Document can be edited by you and only viewed by people who have a link. For those of you unfamiliar with this free online tool, this will also give you an opportunity to explore how it can be used. 

To access your Document, click on your name below.

Jan McCauley
David Parfitt
Liz Froundigoun
Deborah Spiro


David Parfitt at Geneseo said...

I really appreciated Jan McCauley's commitment to service and volunteerism. That was something that really spoke to me. Dave

dspiro said...


It was very nice to “meet” with you online today at the synchronous session. As we both serve in administrator roles, it could prove to be beneficial to share ideas on how to bring about international collaboration on our respective campuses and best support our faculty in these endeavors. -Debbie

Unknown said...


It was interesting to meet some of you yesterday in the orientation session. I have develooped on on-line/e-communication projects for my students at GCU for some time but it has always been delivered asyncronously. After the experience yesterday I'm now considering how to incorparate something similar into our project.

I have been having a look at our profiles and find it interesting that there is similarity amongst our students - diveristy and for a variety of reasons an inablility to undertake international exchange programmes.

I currently run with colleagues in England and Florida an on-line crimnology and crinal justice projects. I'm also looking to develop a further project for our fist year criminology/sociall science students but I'm not sure that this type of project would fit with this particular group but I would be really interesting in hearing how other have developed their collaborations and to share my experiences.